Month: August 2014



OFSAA is now on Instagram! Follow us at @OFSAAGRAM We will be following and interacting with proud student-athletes and teacher-coaches posting and hashtagging their accomplishments. So many photos with #OFSAA and #OFSAAbound tags end up with #OFSAAchamps or...

Coaches Teaching New Coaches

Coaches Teaching New Coaches

The Coaches Association of Ontario has developed a program based on Fundamental Movement Skills for teacher-coaches to pass along their knowledge to a new generation of coaches-in-training. With the Fundamental Movement Skills - High School Kit Program, certified PHE...

Brian Maxwell Memorial Scholarship

OFSAA and the Brian Maxwell Memorial Scholarship Fund are pleased to announce the student-athletes awarded the 2014 scholarships and Ontario Awards for Excellence. (download full Media Release) The scholarship fund is in memory of Brian Maxwell, a successful distance...

School sports promotes mental health

School sports promotes mental health

A new Canadian study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health has found that adolescents who play team sports in grades 8 through 12 have less stress and better mental health as young adults. Almost 850 students from 10 Canadian schools were surveyed in each...