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Online Collaboration For Teachers

Dec 8, 2020 | Uncategorized

So we can’t easily meet in person these days, but there is a trendy new online spot to meet — The OFSAA CAFÉ. You might have heard that this virtual program on ZOOM encompasses a wide variety of sessions for both curricular and co-curricular programs geared towards high school educators.

The aim of these casual 20 to 30 minute weekly online workshops is to increase participants’ knowledge in several areas of school sport, enlighten folks on new and unconventional sports, introduce alternative teaching methods, address current issues in schools and provide opportunities for group discussions with peers.

**All workshops are free to teacher-coaches in Ontario schools.

See below for how you can join our list of presenters.

*Note that we also encourage french presentations for the francophone community of teachers.

*Les présentations en français sont les bienvenues, puisqu’elles seront d’un intérêt particulier pour les enseignants francophones.

Our Next Workshop Is Scheduled For Wednesday, December 9th at 3 pm

“Mindful Movement through Yoga with Tracy Galbraith”
An easy series that will be broken down in such a way that any teacher can either simplify or advance it to meet the needs of their students. This series is designed to be inclusive to all skill levels and promotes life-long learning by increasing physical literacy, body awareness, balance, focus, strength, and flexibility. 

Register here today.

We’d Enjoy Hearing About Your Passionate Topic Of Interest

We’re “all ears” as we endure the challenging 2020-21 year in our classrooms. Why not share with your fellow educators and gain new insight along the way through these conversations.

If you are francophone, please consider a french presentation.
Nous invitons donc les francophones à préparer leur présentation en français.

Sign up and share today! 

If you wish to present, please contact Shamus Bourdon at [email protected] or Jim Barbeau at [email protected].


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