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Brian Maxwell Scholarship Recipients Announced (2023)

Brian Maxwell Scholarship Recipients Announced (2023)

The Brian Maxwell Memorial Scholarship is awarded each year to six student-athletes who will be continuing their post-secondary education at a Canadian College or University. Three males and three females are awarded a scholarship of $5,000. Preference is given to a...

Accepting Applications For “Play To Lead” Until June 30

Accepting Applications For “Play To Lead” Until June 30

Jumpstart’s Play to Lead program will be accepting applications until Friday, June 30 at 11:59 pm through the online application portal at Play to Lead | Jumpstart (canadiantire.ca). The program is completely FREE, as part of efforts to continue removing financial...

Jump On Board And Host An OFSAA Championship!

Jump On Board And Host An OFSAA Championship!

OFSAA is currently still accepting bids to host various championships and festivals in 2023-24. We are looking to fulfill hosts for the following events: Girls Golf Girls A Volleyball Boys A Volleyball Boys AAA Volleyball Badminton Swimming Please see the Application...

OFSAA Alumni Scholarship Recipients Announced

OFSAA Alumni Scholarship Recipients Announced

Three deserving student-athletes from Ontario’s High Schools have been awarded $800.00 scholarships from the OFSAA Alumni Association this year. Over 50 applications were received from the following eligible associations: CWOSSA, GBSSA, NEOAA, NOSSA, SWOSSAA and YRAA....

“June Madness” Coming The Week Of June 4th

“June Madness” Coming The Week Of June 4th

The grandest week on the OFSAA Championships and Festivals Calendar will soon be here! As we move into June, student-athletes and coaches approach the homestretch in preparing for the events occurring in the first full week of June. Each event has their own dedicated...

Ultimate Festival Photo Gallery

OFSAA would like to extend a special thank you to photographer Malcolm Bernstein. Please view his action photos, and photos of the medal-winning teams, at the link below. Give him a follow and DM him at @mgb4SPORTS. VIEW PHOTO GALLERY HERE

Registration is LIVE! Embracing Diversity (June 23 to 25)

Registration is LIVE! Embracing Diversity (June 23 to 25)

The Diversity in Sports Conference is dedicated to promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in amateur sports. The OUA is excited to offer a variety of resources and strategies to help you create a more inclusive sports environment. Workshops and training...

Character Athlete Award Recipients (2023)

Character Athlete Award Recipients (2023)

OFSAA’s Character Athlete Award celebrates the efforts of the exceptional student-athletes in Ontario who best exemplify the characteristics that OFSAA is founded on. Nominations come to the OFSAA office detailing the exceptional character of student-athletes from...

Check Out The Winter Happenings In Our New Issue!

Check Out The Winter Happenings In Our New Issue!

OFSAA just came through its busiest winter sports season since 2019 with flying colours! We are thrilled to share the excitement of the "championship reboot"  from the past few months in the new Spring Issue of the Bulletin. The accomplishments of student-athletes and...