
Student-Athletes Debut On OFSAA TIMEOUT Podcast (Click Here)

Student-Athletes Debut On OFSAA TIMEOUT Podcast (Click Here)

It's a "STUDENT TAKEOVER" on this edition!    Sort of... Be sure to listen to our interview with the female and male recipients of the 2020 OFSAA Character Athlete Award. Grace Petsnick of Fort Frances High School and Tristan Smith of...

2019-20 Colin Hood Awards Update

2019-20 Colin Hood Awards Update

Thank you to everyone who recognized coaches and student-athletes by applying for our Colin Hood Awards! Please note that the application period is closed and we won't be honouring future submissions. More information on the Colin Hood Awards can be found on the...

Team Ontario To Fill Roles For Canada Games!

Team Ontario To Fill Roles For Canada Games!

Team Ontario is looking to fill Mission Staff roles for the 2021 Canada Games! If interested, please visit this link here to learn more and to find the Mission Staff Application Form. Also, stay in the loop on all of the latest news and available volunteer roles for...

Application Deadline For Maxwell Scholarships Fast Approaching!

Please take note that the application deadline for the Brian Maxwell Memorial Scholarships has been changed from June 12 to June 1, 2020. The Brian Maxwell Memorial Scholarship is awarded each year to six student-athletes that will be continuing their post-secondary...

Character Athlete Award Recipients (2020)

Character Athlete Award Recipients (2020)

OFSAA's Character Athlete Award celebrates the efforts of the exceptional student-athletes in Ontario who best exemplify the characteristics that OFSAA is founded on. Nominations come to the OFSAA office detailing the exceptional character of student-athletes from...

New Issue Available Only On The Website

New Issue Available Only On The Website

The spring issue of The Bulletin is here! Find out which teams took home the medals across the 2020 winter championships and learn about our scholarship opportunities. That and much more! Just click on the image of the front cover on our home page or on the link...

Roy Rana Joins The Podcast – Available Now

Roy Rana is one of the most influential figures in Canadian Basketball. He reflects fondly on the many rewards of coaching high school basketball at C.W. Jefferys and Eastern Commerce. He started coaching in high school at age 24 and he hasn't looked back. Rana stands...

Hosts Needed For 2020-21

Hosts Needed For 2020-21

OFSAA is looking to secure a host location for four 2020-21 championships. If you are interested, please submit a bid application form to Shamus Bourdon at [email protected].  The 'Championship/Festival Application Form' and the 'Championship Calendars...

CIAAA Course Available Online

CIAAA Course Available Online

The OFSAA/CIAAA team is pleased to offer the 602C course via webinar once again. This course is aimed at aspiring athletic directors or curriculum leaders in the province. The course will run over two dates -- June 3 and June 10. For more information, please check...

New Deadline Set For OFSAA Alumni Scholarship

New Deadline Set For OFSAA Alumni Scholarship

The OFSAA Alumni Scholarship Fund will be awarding scholarships in the amount of $500 to deserving student-athletes from member schools from the following OFSAA member Associations in 2019 - 20:  NOSSA, SWOSSAA, YRAA, GBSSA, NEOAA, CWOSSA. May 20 is the new...