
OFSAA Lacrosse Festival Results 2015

OFSAA Lacrosse Festival Results 2015

A/AA Lacrosse Festival June 2-3, Aurora Gold - McKinnon Park, SOSSA (W 10-6) Silver - St. Andrew's, CISAA Bronze - Holy Cross, SOSSA (W 9-1) Antique Bronze - Holy Trinity, LOSSA  Full pool play and playoff results available HERE   AAA/AAAA Lacrosse Festival...

OFSAA Tennis Results 2015

OFSAA Tennis Results 2015

OFSAA Tennis 2015 https://www.ofsaa.on.ca/tennis High School Results High School Boys Singles: 1.Grant McPherson - St. Michael Catholic SS (WOSSAA)  8 to 3 2. Matt Kovacs - Catholic Central HS (WOSSAA) 3. Jonah Baryliuk - Monsignor Paul Dwyer CHS...

Nominations Open For Coaching Excellence Awards

Nominations Open For Coaching Excellence Awards

The 2015 Ontario Coaching Excellence Awards are being held this September 19th in Toronto and nominations are now open! Coaches will be honoured for their contributions to School Sport :  The selection of recipients (1 Male and 1 Female teacher-coach) is...

Spring 2015 OFSAA Character Athletes

Spring 2015 OFSAA Character Athletes

OFSAA’s Character Athlete Award celebrates the efforts of the exceptional student-athletes in Ontario who best exemplify the characteristics that OFSAA is founded on. Nominations come to the OFSAA office detailing the exceptional character of student-athletes across...

Follow OFSAA Championships on Twitter

Follow OFSAA Championships on Twitter

The use of Twitter at OFSAA championships has become such a common occurrence that convenors have been creating optional accounts each season in recent years. While this has been beneficial to those wanting to follow that particular event, the Twitter account became...

Molten Soccer Special Offer

Molten Soccer Special Offer

  OFSAA Soccer Championships 2015 Boys' A & AA Soccer Thurs-Sat, June 4-6, North Bay Ryan Culhane [email protected] https://www.ofsaa.on.ca/boys-soccer https://www.ofsaa.on.ca/boys-aa-soccer Boys' AAA Soccer Thurs-Sat, June 4-6, Windsor Mike...

Ride A Bike To School

Ride A Bike To School

OFSAA provides championships and festivals for high school student-athletes to celebrate achievement and success, but there's more you could do on the way to school . With good weather shining upon Ontario it's time to get outside to get active! Leave that car or bus...

Colin Hood Awards Available For Every School

Colin Hood Awards Available For Every School

Application deadline extended to May 30, 2015 The Colin Hood OFSAA School Sport Award is named after retired OFSAA Executive Director Colin Hood. During his time at OFSAA (1992-2004), Colin set national precedents through his relentless dedication to school sport,...

Job Posting – Executive Director

Job Posting – Executive Director

Application Deadline: May. 29, 2015 The Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations (OFSAA) is an organization comprised of high school student-athletes, teacher-coaches, teachers, principals, and sport administrators all committed to the philosophy of...

Executive Director Doug Gellatly Departing OFSAA

Executive Director Doug Gellatly Departing OFSAA

The Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations (OFSAA) has announced that Doug Gellatly is moving on after more than a decade as Executive Director. Doug will depart high school and head off to college at the end of the current school year, when he becomes...