
High School Coaches Workshop from Athletics Ontario

High School Coaches Workshop from Athletics Ontario

Athletics Ontario has set up a High School Track and Field Coaching Workshop Nov. 7-8, 2014. Download the PDF Information Flyer by clicking here. The course will take place at York University's Toronto Track and Field Centre with learning facilitators from Athletics...

Eating and Exercising

Eating and Exercising

All students should be eating a healthy breakfast every morning, but what about if you have a morning practice? Should you eat? What should you eat? And how about eating some snacks after school before your team meets on the court or the gym, or when you get home from...

Assistant Director Job Posting

Assistant Director Job Posting

OFSAA is currently seeking an Assistant Director.  Interested applicants are asked to submit a resume and cover letter by September 19, 2014 to Beth Hubbard at [email protected].  Job Summary"The assistant director plays an integral role in the management of...

Ontario Coaching Excellence Awards

Ontario Coaching Excellence Awards

It's hard to recognize so many good coaches throughout the province in just one day, which is why the Coaches Association of Ontario gives them a whole week! Ontario Coaches Week takes place September 20-27, 2014. The Ontario Coaching Excellence Awards kicked off...

Globe story on physical literacy

Globe story on physical literacy

OFSAA's motto "Education Through School Sport" is all about the connection between physical literacy and success in the classroom. The skills learned on the field and the life lessons learned off of it through sport are an invaluable and inseparable part of secondary...



OFSAA is now on Instagram! Follow us at @OFSAAGRAM We will be following and interacting with proud student-athletes and teacher-coaches posting and hashtagging their accomplishments. So many photos with #OFSAA and #OFSAAbound tags end up with #OFSAAchamps or...

Coaches Teaching New Coaches

Coaches Teaching New Coaches

The Coaches Association of Ontario has developed a program based on Fundamental Movement Skills for teacher-coaches to pass along their knowledge to a new generation of coaches-in-training. With the Fundamental Movement Skills - High School Kit Program, certified PHE...

Brian Maxwell Memorial Scholarship

OFSAA and the Brian Maxwell Memorial Scholarship Fund are pleased to announce the student-athletes awarded the 2014 scholarships and Ontario Awards for Excellence. (download full Media Release) The scholarship fund is in memory of Brian Maxwell, a successful distance...

School sports promotes mental health

School sports promotes mental health

A new Canadian study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health has found that adolescents who play team sports in grades 8 through 12 have less stress and better mental health as young adults. Almost 850 students from 10 Canadian schools were surveyed in each...

OFSAA Alumni Scholarship Recipients 2014

OFSAA Alumni Scholarship Recipients 2014

Students in EOSSAA, ROPSSAA, and SOSSA schools applied for the Alumni scholarships this year. It is encouraging to know there are so many student-athletes in our high schools who are also involved in other aspects of school life, are active members of the community,...