
CFL and Nissan team up to support high school football

CFL and Nissan team up to support high school football

High school football teams are getting a boost onto the field next season with support from a new partnership called “Back in the Game” by the Canadian Football League and Nissan Canada. The program will support school football teams with funding, equipment, playing...

Free Online Concussion Courses for Coaches

Free Online Concussion Courses for Coaches

The Making Head Way eLearning Series are National Coach Certification Program (NCCP) Professional Development (PD) modules designed to help coaches gain the knowledge and skills required to ensure the safety of their athletes.  Developed as part of the Public...

Report Card from Active Healthy Kids Canada

Report Card from Active Healthy Kids Canada

Healthy Active Kids Canada has released their 2014 Report Card on the Physical Activity of Children and Youth. This is the 10th annual assessment of the physical activity of children and youth in Canada, and for the first time the Report Card compares Canada's...

OFSAA Spring Championship Results 2014

OFSAA Spring Championship Results 2014

OFSAA's spring championship season took place June 2-7 with 17 championships across Ontario. Student-athletes across the province showed their best talent, skill, character, leadership and commitment through competition. Best of luck to students with final exams and...

OFSAA Try Day 2014-15

OFSAA Try Day 2014-15

Funding of the OFSAA Try Day program for this school year has been approved. The Try Day grant this year is provided by the Ministry of Education, Government of Ontario. 93 publicly-funded schools may receive up to $700 to introduce a new sport or...

2014-15 Transfer Appeal Dates

2014-15 Transfer Appeal Dates

To appeal to an Association, please call the OFSAA office and give the name of the student and school as well as the name of the principal. Please see the deadline dates posted below. A letter will be sent to the student, c/o the principal, stating the date, time and...

Temporary OFSAA position available

Temporary OFSAA position available

OFSAA is seeking an interim Assistant Director to fill in as a sick leave replacement from August 2014 until approximately February 2015. The Assistant Director plays an integral role in the management and delivery of the Federation’s programs.  Working...

OFSAA Track & Field on Rogers TV

OFSAA Track & Field on Rogers TV

The 2014 OFSAA Track and Field Championships, hosted by ROPSSAA, took place from Thursday, June 5th to Saturday, June 7th at St. Marcellinus Secondary School in Mississauga. Student-athletes from across the province of Ontario came to represent their school...

OFSAA partners with Golf Association of Ontario

OFSAA partners with Golf Association of Ontario

News from the greens! OFSAA and the Golf Association of Ontario have reached an agreement to enhance the student-athlete experience at the OFSAA Boys' Golf Championships. As part of the agreement (spanning July 1, 2014 - May 31, 2016) the GAO will provide...

June 2014 OFSAA Bulletin magazine available

OFSAA's Bulletin magazine is on its way to a school near you! Issues have been sent to each school in Ontario, but if you'd like a copy for yourself please download the PDF version by clicking the image below; The Spring 2014 OFSAA Bulletin includes; News and updates...