Registration Header

Please read the instructions below carefully.

The first step in the registration process is to be completed by ASSOCIATION/ SPORT CONVENORS following the Association Championship. The next step is to be completed by the school ATHLETIC DIRECTORS with access to the OFSAA HUB.

The Association Convenors will confirm the qualifying athletes from each Association with their scores and coaches contact information. The Athletic Directors will register the qualifying athletes from their schools.

Association Convenor Form:

The form linked below must be submitted by Association Convenors and NOT individual coaches.

1. Only one form submission is permitted. If changes occur (i.e. injury) the OFSAA convenor ([email protected]) and OFSAA staff ([email protected]) must be contacted directly.
2. Enter the names of your Associations qualifying players in the appropriate space provided.
3. You must indicated whether the student-athlete is either in the High School (HS) or Open (O) division. Any combination is permitted with a maximum of three (3) Open (O) student-athletes.
4. A maximum of six (6) golfers is permitted.
5. You must provide Association score for qualifying golfers.
6. If your Association does not have 6 qualifiers, just leave the sections blank.
7. Additional entry requests or if you are the “Host” Association, can be forwarded directly to the convenor ([email protected]) and OFSAA staff ([email protected]).

Please note that these requests may not be fulfilled. Note: If you need clarification on whether a student-athlete is considered Open (O), please refer to the updated Playing Regulations for Girls Golf. If further clarification is necessary, please contact the OFSAA staff ([email protected]).

Please CLICK HERE to submit the information on qualifying athletes from your Association. REMINDER THAT THIS FORM IS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE ASSOCIATION CONVENORS ONLY.

Athletic Directors and teacher-coaches should refer to the next section to register their individual athletes.

Championship Registration Steps:

1. OFSAA HUB Registration – DUE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10 AT 11:59PM

Athletic Directors must start the registration process by completing & uploading the following mandatory forms through the OFSAA HUB:

2.  Remaining Mandatory Forms – DUE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15 AT 3:30PM

Athletic Directors/Coaches must submit and upload the remaining mandatory forms with appropriate signatures:


3. On-Site Registration:

Location and times of on-site registration will be updated closer to the event. Please bring three (3) separate cheques (1 for team entry fee, 1 for OFSAA participation fee and 1 for the banquet fee [if applicable]).

Championship Fees Amount Cheque Made Payable To:
Entry Fee (Per Student-Athlete) $ 125 Tecumseh Vista Academy Secondary
OFSAA Participant Fee (Per Student-Athlete) $ 3  OFSAA
Banquet Fee (Student-Athletes & Coaches) $ 45 Tecumseh Vista Academy Secondary

Note: You may combine the entry fee and banquet fee cheque to Tecumseh Vista Academy Secondary. But, the OFSAA Participant Fee must be a seperate cheque. 

Items to Review:

The following forms do not need to be uploaded but they are to be distributed to participants. It is recommended that the completed forms are collected and kept on file by coaches. 
Rowan’s Law:

As mandated by Rowan’s Law, every student-athlete, coach and trainer is required to confirm they have reviewed the Concussion Awareness Resource and the OFSAA Concussion Code of Conduct.  In order to participate in this event it is mandatory that a confirmation form for each participant be completed and submitted with registration.

The Concussion Awareness Resource and Concussion Codes of Conduct can be found at the following links:

Additional Forms/Policies for Review: