Registration Header

Championship Registration is a six-step process:

  1. Each association Nordic Convenor submits the completed “Association Convenor Registration Form” to Kerry Abols ([email protected]), Kyle Tarlton ([email protected]) and Dave Makela ([email protected])
  2. Each school Athletic Director scans and submits signed eligibility sheet to the OFSAA HUB
  3. Each school Athletic Director scans and submits remaining forms to the OFSAA HUB
  4. Each school Athletic Director or coach to register their individual and team athletes to
  5. Each school Athletic Director or coach completes and submits a google survey to order team banquet tickets.
  6. Each school checks-in at the Championship event and submits 4 cheques covering all fees
Each association will be permitted to add one (1) extra high school division individual athlete per category, that is four (4) total extra entries per association.  It will be at the association meet convener’s discretion to decide which athlete is awarded the extra entry and why.  Association meet conveners must indicate the extra high school individual (if being used) when completing and emailing the registration form for their association.

See below for details on each of these six steps.

1. OFSAA Association Convenor Registration Form

Association convenors must complete this form and email to Kerry Abols ([email protected]), Kyle Tarlton ([email protected]) and Dave Makela ([email protected]).

  • OFSAA Association Convenor Registration Form
    • Ensure your Association Championship results include Gender (Male/Female), Classification (Junior/Senior), and Division (Open/High-School trained)
    • Download and complete the form based on the results of your Association Championship and with the help of your teacher-coaches
    • The form is a fillable PDF which can be completed and saved electronically, or printed for completion by hand and then scanned for submission
    • Check your submission against the latest Nordic Playing Regulations with respect to eligibility, entries, team make-up, and additional entry requests
    • Optionally include a link to your Association Championship results, or attach them to the email
2. Online OFSAA HUB Registration – DUE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15 @ 11:59PM

Athletic Directors must start the registration process by completing and uploading their eligibility sheet through the OFSAA HUB and completing the team/season information form linked below:

Remaining Mandatory Forms – DUE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19 @ 3:30PM

4. Registration – DUE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15 @ 11:59PM

Click here to access link to register individual and team athletes to for results (link will be activated closer to event date).

5. Banquet Ticket Order form – DUE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15 @ 11:59PM

Click here to access google survey form to order banquet tickets.  Deadline for submission is same as registration forms – Saturday, February 15 @ 11:59pm (but can be submitted beforehand).

6. Championship Fees – To Be Submitted Upon Arrival:

Fee Category Amount Cheque Made Payable To:
OFSAA Participation Fee $ 3 / athlete OFSAA
Championship Race Entry Fee $ 32 / athlete SDSSAA
Banquet Fee $ 25 / person SDSSAA
OFSAA Bib Deposit Fee $ 50 / school OFSAA (as a separate cheque so it can be returned or destroyed)


Items to Review:

The following forms do not need to be uploaded but they are to be distributed to participants. It is recommended that the completed forms are collected and kept on file by coaches. 
Rowan’s Law:

As mandated by Rowan’s Law, every student-athlete, coach and trainer is required to confirm they have reviewed the Concussion Awareness Resource and the OFSAA Concussion Code of Conduct.  In order to participate in this event it is mandatory that a confirmation form for each participant be completed and submitted with registration.

The Concussion Awareness Resource and Concussion Codes of Conduct can be found at the following links:

Additional Forms/Policies for Review: