Emergency Procedures will follow TPASC protocols:


a. Appropriate staff are equipped with First Aid Kits and AEDs are located throughout the facility.

b. TPASC has two first aid treatment rooms. One located on level 2 across from the Fitness Area and one beside the Lifeguard office in the Training Pool area to be accessed by appropriate staff.


a. In the case of any accident or injury in the facility, a TPASC staff member must be notified. In cases involving University of Toronto students, TPASC security will notify UTSC campus police.

b. Injury/Incident reports are required if medical or first aid attention is required or if loss or damage to property occurs. TPASC staff members are required to complete injury/incident reports. These reports are the property of TPASC and used for internal purposes only. They are treated as confidential with all statutory protections in place for personal information.


a. TPASC Staff will lead emergency procedures which may be accompanied with public address system announcements guiding users to safety.

b. In all cases, members are to follow instructions by the program area and building staff and not return to change rooms to collect their personal belongings if directed to evacuate.

Scarborough Health Network – General Hospital

3050 Lawrence Ave E, Scarborough, ON M1P 2V5 ( 9 km from TPASC)
  1. from TPASC go north on Morningside to the 401
  2. Take the 401 West to McCowan Road
  3. Take McCowan Road south to Scarborough General Hospital