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Association Convenor Entry Form

Association Convenors please complete the OFSAA Tennis Entry Form and email to [email protected].  Deadline to submit is Tuesday, May 27 @ 11:59PM.


Championship Registration Steps:


1. Online OFSAA HUB Registration – DUE TUESDAY, MAY 27 @ 11:59PM

Athletic Directors must start the registration process by completing and uploading their eligibility sheet through the OFSAA HUB and completing the team/season information form linked below:


2. Remaining Mandatory Forms – DUE THURSDAY, MAY 29 @ 3:30PM

Athletic Directors/Coaches must submit and upload the remaining mandatory forms with appropriate signatures through the OFSAA HUB:

3. On-Site Registration

On-site registration will take place at XXX between XXX and XXX. More details will be shared at the virtual coaches meeting.  Please bring 2 separate cheques for the following fees:

Championship Fees Amount Cheque Made Payable To:
Entry Fee (Per Player) – Association Convenor $ 75 TDSB – PHE Department

*Ensure name of Association is included on your cheque*

OFSAA Participant Fee (Per Student-Athlete) $ 3  OFSAA


Items to Review:

The following forms do not need to be uploaded but they are to be distributed to participants. It is recommended that the completed forms are collected and kept on file by coaches. 
Rowan’s Law:

As mandated by Rowan’s Law, every student-athlete, coach and trainer is required to confirm they have reviewed the Concussion Awareness Resource and the OFSAA Concussion Code of Conduct.  In order to participate in this event it is mandatory that a confirmation form for each participant be completed and submitted with registration.

The Concussion Awareness Resource and Concussion Codes of Conduct can be found at the following links:

Additional Forms/Policies for Review: