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Brian Maxwell Scholarship Expanded

Brian Maxwell Memorial Scholarship award expansion Since the founding of the Brian Maxwell Memorial Scholarship in 2007, the number of applicants has increased every year. In response to the success of this award, OFSAA is pleased to announce that the award will be...

Coaches Helping Coaches Program

Coaches Helping Coaches Program

Coaches Helping Coaches is a funded grassroots mentorship/ recruitment program from the Coaches Association of Ontario where long-time coaches are tasked with sharing their knowledge and experience with young coaches. How it works:A coach that is active and trained in...

Coaches Week in Ontario

Coaches Week in Ontario

This September 19th - 27th is your chance to celebrate all the great coaches in Ontario with National Coaches Week in Canada. After nine years of hosting the Ontario Coaches Week, the Coaches Association of Ontario (CAO) partnered with the 12 other privinces and...

Coaching captains to be leaders

Coaching captains to be leaders

Story by Stephanie Schleuder, from The Art of Coaching   To be successful, teams must have at least one player who can bring out the best in others, but it doesn’t happen by accident. Coaches play a big role in creating good captains by mentoring them along the...

Brian Maxwell Memorial Scholarship Winners

BRIAN MAXWELL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP AWARD WINNERS OFSAA and the Brian Maxwell Memorial Scholarship Fund are pleased to announce the student-athletes who were awarded the 2015 scholarships and Ontario Awards for Excellence. The scholarship fund is in memory of Brian...

Coaching Students with a Disability

Coaching Students with a Disability

OFSAA has been working to incorporate divisions for PARA athletes into Swimming, Track & Field and Nordic Skiing championships with opportunities for even more student-athletes to participate in school sport at the highest level. For coaches across Ontario this...

Donna Howard welcomed as OFSAA Executive Director

Donna Howard welcomed as OFSAA Executive Director

OFSAA is pleased to welcome Donna Howard to the Executive Director position, bringing Ontario’s school sport landscape a wealth of experience in physical education, public health, and advocacy for youth activity.  Donna will begin her position with OFSAA August...

OFSAA Football Bowl 2015 Matchups

OFSAA Football Bowl 2015 Matchups

A draw today made at the OFSAA office determined the matchups for the 2015 OFSAA Football Bowl series. The OFSAA Football Bowl Games series has decided on a new Festival format. For the next two years (2015 & 2016) the following nine games will be played, with one...

Timmins Sports Heritage Hall of Fame

Timmins Sports Heritage Hall of Fame

The long-awaited Timmins Sports Heritage Hall of Fame opened recently with 60 honorees entering the Hall. A full list of those inducted is available HERE As part of the special exhibit, Timmins is honouring those local high school teams who have won OFSAA medals....