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OFSAA Boys’ Volleyball Results 2014

OFSAA Boys’ Volleyball Results 2014

OFSAA Boys' Volleyball 2014November 20-22, 2014  AAAA RESULTS Gold Medalist: Bill Crothers SSSilver Medalist: Saunders SSBronze Medalist: Bishop Allen AcademyAntique Medalist: Sinclair SS   AAA RESULTS Gold Medalist: Regiopolis...

Watch OFSAA Football Bowls!

From November 26-28 OFSAA Football is taking Hamilton by storm.  If you're not able to make it to the games at McMaster University please check out OFSAA's TV coverage of some games and live streaming of all games. Just head to the OFSAA Football website to keep...

March to OFSAA Football

March to OFSAA Football

OFSAA Football is coming to Hamilton November 26-28, 2014.  Get caught up on all the high school football qualifiers leading up to OFSAA! Visit the OFSAA Football website MARCH TO OFSAA FOOTBALL  Association Results Game #1 - TDCAA vs SOSSA (2nd Entry) Semi...

OFSAA Character Athlete Nominations Due Nov.17!

OFSAA Character Athlete Nominations Due Nov.17!

Character Athlete Award Twice a year, OFSAA awards the Character Athlete Award to two recipients (one male, one female) who embody OFSAA’s values of leadership, commitment, equity, respect and sportsmanship.  The Character Athletes will be profiled in our...

OFSAA Girls’ Field Hockey

OFSAA Girls’ Field Hockey

2014 Field Hockey Championship Details GIRLS' FIELD HOCKEY (GHAC) WEBSITE FINAL RESULTS Saturday, November 8, 2014 Gold Medal Resurrection CSS 4 Bluevale CI 0 Bronze Medal Nelson HS 2 Saltfleet DHS 0 Semifinal Resurrection CSS 1 Nelson HS 0 Semifinal Bluevale CI 2...

Cross Country Results 2014

Cross Country Results 2014

OFSAA Cross Country Running Championship view the event website here If you have photos of these events you'd like to share, please send them to [email protected]! WATERLOO, Ont. (November 1, 2014) – Kingston’s Cameron Linscott and Branna MacDougall boasted...

Teacher-Coach Research Study

Teacher-Coach Research Study

Attention Teacher-Coaches: Seldom do we have the opportunity of a university level research project being conducted in an effort to support school athletics. OFSAA, as a member of School Sport Canada, is requesting that you and all of your teacher-coaches take the...

Dairy Farmers of Canada Sponsor Basketball Sportsmanship

Dairy Farmers of Canada Sponsor Basketball Sportsmanship

Recharge with Milk wants to enhance the overall experience for the student athlete participants by implementing a recognition award for the 2014/2015 OFSAA Basketball championships. The Recharge with Milk Most Sportsmanlike Team Program recognizes the school team...

OFSAA Golf Results

OFSAA Golf Results

Boys' Golf Championship - website FULL INDIVIDUAL RESULTS 1. Maxwell Sear, Bill Crothers, R1 - 72, R2 - 65, Total - 137 (p) 2. Sam Meek, Crestwood, R1 - 66, R2 - 71, Total - 137 3. Trevor Ranton, Waterloo CI, R1 - 69, R2 - 70, Total - 139 FULL TEAM RESULTS 1. Waterloo...

2015 OFSAA Coaching Symposium

2015 OFSAA Coaching Symposium

May 12 - 13 at Durham College The 2015 OFSAA Coaching Symposium conference is a great professional development event that brings together teacher-coaches from across the province to learn, share ideas, and have fun! The program encompasses a wide variety of...