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Ten Tips For A Healthy Winter

Ten Tips For A Healthy Winter

The holiday season brings thick sweaters and puffy coats to lockers, fewer daylight hours and more time spent inside after school, and lots and lots of Christmas cookies! All this seasonal cheer could make you a sedentary Santa if you're not careful. But there are...

OFSAA Character Athlete Award Winners

OFSAA Character Athlete Award Winners

Character Athlete Award 2013-14 OFSAA’s Character Athlete Award celebrates the efforts of the exceptional student-athletes in Ontario who best exemplify the characteristics that OFSAA is founded on. Nominations come to the OFSAA office detailing the exceptional...

High School Grand Prix 2014 Teams Announced

High School Grand Prix 2014 Teams Announced

Track & Field athletes from across Canada will converge on Toronto's Varsity Stadium in May to participate and compete in the third edition of the NIKE High School Grand Prix.  This event unites student-athletes and teacher-coaches from coast-to-coast in a...

OFSAA Wrestling Playing Regulation Update

OFSAA Wrestling Playing Regulation Update

Please be advised that the following rule changes will be in effect for the 2014 OFSAA Wrestling Championships. These changes will supersede those published in the 2013-2014 edition of the Wrestling Canada Lutte Rulebook. All other rules previously published in the...

CAAWS Free Wednesday Webinars

CAAWS Free Wednesday Webinars

The Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity (CAAWS) recently announced a free series of lunchtime webinars to help engage women and girls in sports in Ontario. Learn more about registering for the Webinars and about CAAWS on...

Women’s Sport School Early Bird Registration Deadline

Women’s Sport School Early Bird Registration Deadline

The deadline for OFSAA's Women's Sport School Early Bird registration has been extended to Friday, January 10th.  Act now to get the special Early Bird rate. Rates and registration form available by clicking this link. The Women’s Sports School is a professional...

CAO My Coach Video Contest

CAO My Coach Video Contest

The Coaches Association of Ontario is again searching for exemplary coaches who have inspired their athletes with leadership, mentorship, teaching, nurturing, citizenship, preparation and fun. We at OFSAA know there are too many great coaches in Ontario to count,...

Beloved teacher-coach Ken VanderZwaag passes away

Beloved teacher-coach Ken VanderZwaag passes away

School sport lost a respected leader on Friday, December 6 with the passing of Ken VanderZwaag after a three-year battle with cancer.  Mr. VanderZwaag was a teacher, coach, and athletic director at Woodland Christian High School in Breslau for the past 30 years....