Online Coaching Courses

National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP)

The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) provides standardized, inclusive, and safe sport education to coaches and coach developers across 65 sports. The CAC manages and delivers NCCP training through its partner network of 65 National Sport Organizations and Provincial/Territorial Sport Organizations. In order to access coaching courses through the NCCP, you will need to create an account on ‘The Locker‘ to get started. Here, your certifications will be available for download and you will have access to hundreds of eLearning courses and pathways to coaching. The NCCP offers both sport-specific and multi-sport training modules.

For more information on sport-specific training, including a list of courses, click here.
For more information on multi-sport training, including a list of courses, click here.
If you are looking for additional professional development opportunities with regards to coaching, please click here for the NCCP Workshop Calendar.

Currently, there are 4 NCCP modules being delivered for free until March 1, 2024! Coaches can complete:

  • NCCP Basic Mental Skills
  • NCCP Make Ethical Decisions
  • NCCP Planning a Practice
  • NCCP Teaching and Learning

Please log into your ‘The Locker’ account to access the modules or visit to learn more about upcoming opportunities.

Mental Health & Sport Resource Hub

This year, the Coaching Association of Canada launched the Mental Health and Sport Resource Hub which provides the tools and information to overcome stigma and guide conversations about mental health. This free online portal offers training and resources for coaches to develop mental health literacy and positive coaching practices to improve performance and well-being in sport #MentalHealthIsOurSport.

School Sport Canada eLearning

School Sport Canada (SSC) is the national body for school sport in Canada. SSC is the largest structured sport organization in Canada, with over 750,000 student athletes, 52,000 volunteer teacher coaches and 3,200 schools in the member Provincial and Territorial Federations and Associations. SSC member associations and schools promote and advocate for positive sportsmanship, citizenship and the total development of student athletes through interscholastic sport.

The following are valuable courses courses recommended by School Sport Canada. The courses are accredited by the NCCP and you will need to set up an account on ‘The Locker‘ to register. To learn more about School Sport Canada and it’s eLearning courses click here.

Listed below are NCCP accredited courses recommended for teacher-coaches. Currently, OFSAA is offering a teacher-coach course subsidy that covers the costs of up to $150 in accredited coaching courses. For more information click here.

For more information on specific courses required for the sport you are coaching, click here to access the Ophea website. Once there, select ‘Interschool’ and the activity name. Then, scroll down to find ‘Qualifications.’ Most courses listed under ‘Qualifications’ can be found in ‘The Locker’ and are either offered or accredited by NCCP.

Coaching School Sport: Redefining Winning

Brought to you by School Sport Canada (SSC) in partnership with the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC), Coaching School Sport: Redefining Winning is an eLearning module for school coaches in Canada.

This module allows coaches the opportunity to explore the core values of school sport philosophy and coaching in the interscholastic environment. It helps foster an understanding of how winning and success are viewed in school sport in addition to providing tools for coaches to teach student-athletes how to experience success in both victory and defeat. In addition to the athletic development of student-athletes, there is a significant focus on the development of citizenship skills. In educational athletics, sport is used to enhance participants’ education and help them develop critical life skills.

Making Headway in Sport

The Making Headway Concussion eLearning Series modules will help you gain the knowledge and skills required to ensure the safety of your participants. This includes; preventing concussions, signs and symptoms, suspecting a concussion as well as ensuring athletes return to play safely.

Safe Sport

Safe, inclusive sport environments help make sport rewarding and enriching for all. By completing Safe Sport Training you will gain the knowledge and skills to create healthy and safe environments by recognizing, addressing and preventing maltreatment in sport.

Coaches play an integral role in shaping the environment and experience for all participants. A coach is among the top most influential people on a young person’s life. Visit the SafeSport101 website for more information and resources.

Understanding the Rule of Two

The goal of the Rule of Two is to ensure all interactions and communications are open, observable and justifiable. It is one of three pillars of the Responsible Coaching Movement, along with background screening and ethics training.

Anti-Racism in Coaching

Coaches in Canada play an integral role in creating a fair and inclusive environment for their sport. While the impact of racism in sports and coaching can be far-reaching, so can the effects of anti-racism coaching education. This Anti-Racism in Coaching eLearning module provides information and guidance to help coaches support and advocate for racialized participants in sport.

Mental Health in Sport

Mental health impacts the quality of life and performance of both sport participants and coaches. The Coaching Association of Canada’s Mental Health in Sport eLearning module was developed to educate coaches about mental health to empower them to effectively play a role in supporting the well-being of the participants in their sport program, while also supporting their own mental health. Sport is linked to a range of positive outcomes, including improved mental health and well-being. Coaches have a great deal of influence over participants’ mental health.

Coaching the Mind

Each video in this new series, Coaching the Mind, features a different member of the sport community sharing their perspective on and experiences with mental health.